A dream come true.

Hello world,

During my trip to Las Vegas I had the opportunity to turn one of my dreams into reality.

There is something magical about the Grand Canyon. I cannot say if for its colors, for its magnitude, or for the fact of watching thousands of western movies during my childhood and dreaming about this lost piece of heaven that I would have loved to see one day. I just know that sitting on a rock, staring at the miracles of nature and surrounded by silence, I found all my answers.

Someone of you told me on Instagram that Native Americans used to listen to the voice of the wind. Peace was granted them by The Great Spirit Manitou that purified their souls. Well…dear Great Spirit Manitou…It was very nice to meet you ♥

I could stay lost in that moment forever

“I could stay lost in that moment forever”

Another first of my trip to Nevada was the Helicopter. Yes. First. And probably last. Only me could have the great idea of taking thousands of pictures, Snapchatting and making videos during the –literally- floating flight. After a tall double soy latte and with a pilot that thought of himself as Maverick in Top Gun. 30 seconds more aboard and all the paper bags in the helicopter would have been mine. Ooooh yes, models are sooo human lol.

With Maverick. Sick in 3,2,1...

“With Maverick. Sick in 3,2,1…”

As in a Sergio Leone´s movie.

“As in a Sergio Leone´s movie.”

Soundtrack by Ennio Morricone

“Soundtrack by Ennio Morricone”

Glamorous details apart, I hope that everyone of you will get the chance to go and visit the Canyon at least once in their lives. And you know already, with the excuse of the Gran Canyon you can visit Las Vegas and all the casinos on the Strip lol. From spirituality to the most pure materialism. Din din din will be your new wind. Come on, I’m just joking.

Poker face and outfit. Look more like a gangster. Thank for Giulio to be with me!

“Poker face and outfit. Look more like a gangster. Thank for Giulio to be with me!”

"From spirituality...to pure hard materialism lol"

From spirituality…to pure hard materialism lol

Las Vegas was to me the most exciting but at same time tiring city I have been to in my life. Always so many things to do, 1500 shows a day to choose from, buffets 24/24, all kind of attractions –check out my Stratosphere video on facebook if you wanna laugh – tours, etc etc etc. Michael Jackson show, CSI experience, the rollercoaster. Yes, I was there, to all of them.

Michael was dancing with Cirque Du Soleil at the Mandalay. Goosebumps.

“Michael was dancing with Cirque Du Soleil at the Mandalay. Goosebumps.”

Elementary, my dear Watson!

“Elementary, my dear Watson!”

I also went to David Copperfield and to KA by Cirque du Soleil show. In my opinion, the two shows you cannot miss when there. Do not ask David for a one million dollar bill. I did already and as you can see I am still here…

Waiting for David. I thought that being near the stage could give me more chance to get my million dollar bill. I was wrong.

“Waiting for David. I thought that being near the stage could give me more chance to get my million dollar bill. I was wrong.”

KA by Cirque du Soleil.  Best show I have ever seen in my life.

“KA by Cirque du Soleil. Best show I have ever seen in my life.”

Din din din. Everywhere.

“Din din din. Everywhere.”


I hope you enjoyed my post and pictures of today.

I send thousands of hugs to anyone of you. Thank you for being there.




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My holidays in Toscana.

Hello world,

Being surrounded by trees and fields, breathing fresh air and smelling flowery honey perfumes is priceless. Far away from any kind of glamour -and WiFi signal- I am writing my next post. Good morning from Tuscany.

Yes, finally back to my home country and finally on vacation! Sounds unreal.

Cicadas singing, cows and horses walking around, rabbits escaping Giulio’s too warm affection and Giulio being played by too smart wild cats. This is the panorama of my new country life.

If you will ever have the chance to come to Maremma in the future, be sure you will take the time to enjoy a nice glass of white wine in Capalbio, visit the Tufo villages of Pitigliano, Sorano and Sovana, explore the necropolis of Tarquinia, visit Manciano and Magliano, have an ice cream in Porto Santo Stefano and Porto Ercole, enjoy the breathtaking atmosphere of Talamone, and find out the underground caves of Orvieto, in Umbria. You can’t miss St Patrick well, jewel of XVI century engineering.

Not all that shines is gold anyway. As I told you already, asking for a good wifi signal here is like asking for a miracle. In spite of the fact any bar or restaurant you go tells you they have free wifi access for clients, you realize -usually too late, already with a creamy cappuccino on the table- that internet is an illusion. One day for the weather, one for the mountains, one for a failure, and one because -are you ready?- “In Tuscany Internet works like this” and bye bye twitter, Instagram and social life.

In Italy in general I also note it is still little hard to pay by credit cards, even at museums, for trips, at bars, etc. Why is it so difficult for us Italians to evolve, accept changes and get used to new things? Honestly, it is something I cannot understand. A touristic destination, in 2015, should be equipped for cards payment EVERYWHERE, even on the beach for your umbrella. Are you with me? Or am I turning too much American? Lol.

I hope you all had time to relax and enjoy your families, on the mountains, in the city or at the seaside. It doesn’t matter where, as I always say, the important thing is the good company xxx


A privileged view of Pitigliano.

“A privileged view of Pitigliano.”

Lost in Capalbio.

“Lost in Capalbio.”

I met a new friend in Tuscany.

“I met a new friend in Tuscany.”

This is what I call style!! Lol.

“This is what I call style!! Lol.”

Archeological site in Roselle.

“Archeological site in Roselle.”

They told me Italians in August do NOT go to Thermal Springs. Shocked in Saturnia.

“They told me Italians in August do NOT go to Thermal Springs. Shocked in Saturnia.”

Essere circondata da alberi e campi, respirare aria fresca e pura che profuma di miele e fiori non ha prezzo. Lontano da ogni forma di glamour – e di segnale Wi-Fi- vi scrivo il mio prossimo post. Buongiorno dalla Toscana.

Sì, finalmente di ritorno al mio Paese e finalmente in vacanza! È uno scherzo?

Cicale che cantano 24/24, mucche e cavalli che gironzolano in giro, coniglietti che scappano terrorizzati dalle attenzioni troppo affettuose di Giulio e Giulio burlato da gatti selvatici troppo furbi. Questo il panorama della mia nuova vita di campagna.

Semmai abbiate l’opportunità di visitare la Maremma e zone circostanti in futuro, assicuratevi di avere il tempo per un buon bicchiere di bianco a Capalbio, visitare i villaggi di tufo di Pitigliano, Sorano e Sovana, scoprire le necropoli di Tarquinia, fare un giretto per Manciano e Magliano, gustarvi un buon gelato Italiano (finalmente!) a porto Santo Stefano e porto Ercole, godervi la vista mozzafiato di Talamone e visitare le grotte sotterranee di Orvieto, in Umbria. Non potete poi perdervi il pozzo di San Patrizio, gioiello dell’ingegneria del 16º secolo.

Non è oro tutto quel che luccica purtroppo. Come vi ho anticipato, chiedere per un Wi-Fi è come chiedere un miracolo. Nonostante il fatto che ad ogni bar o ristorante al quale andiate vi dicano di avere free Wi-Fi per i clienti realizzerete -generalmente troppo tardi, già con un bel cappuccino cremoso sul tavolo- che Internet è una pura illusione. Un giorno per il tempo, un giorno per le montagne, un giorno per un guasto, e uno perché -siete pronti?- “In Toscana internet funziona così” e bye bye Twitter, Instagram e social life.

Ho anche notato che in Italia in generale è ancora un po’ troppo difficile pagare con carta di credito/bancomat, spesso anche in musei, o per visite/gite, ai bar, etc. Perché è così difficile per noi Italiani accettare il cambio ed abituarci a cose nuove, spesso migliori e che possono renderci la vita più facile? È un qualcosa che onestamente non riesco a capire. Una destinazione turistica nel 2015 dovrebbe essere equipaggiata per il pagamento carta/bancomat OVUNQUE, pure per l’ombrellone in spiaggia. Siete d’accordo con me? Non sarà che mi sto facendo troppo americana? Lol.

Spero abbiate avuto la possibilità di rilassarvi e di stare con le vostre famiglie. In montagna, al mare o in città, non importa dove…come dico sempre la cosa più importante è la buona compagnia xxx

Scary...but wow!! St. Patrick Well -Orvieto- was commissioned by Pope Clemente VII in 1527. 53,13t deep, 13t wide, it has 2 spiral staircases, one for descending and one for ascending, each totally independent of the other, and each with 248 steps, large enough to accommodate the donkeys once used to carry water to the surface. 70 windows cut into the wall light the stairs from the central shaft. Quite impressive, eh?

“Scary…but wow!! St. Patrick Well -Orvieto- was commissioned by Pope Clemente VII in 1527. 53,13t deep, 13t wide, it has 2 spiral staircases, one for descending and one for ascending, each totally independent of the other, and each with 248 steps, large enough to accommodate the donkeys once used to carry water to the surface. 70 windows cut into the wall light the stairs from the central shaft. Quite impressive, eh?”

Porto Santo Stefano.

“Porto Santo Stefano.”

My office in Tuscany. Cows keeping me company while writing my post.

“My office in Tuscany. Cows keeping me company while writing my post.”

Terme di Saturnia, yes please!

“Terme di Saturnia, yes please!”

Walking around Orvieto.

“Walking around Orvieto.”

And in that moment you realize that, in the end, we haven't improved that much. The Necropolis of Tarquinia has been dubbed "the first chapter in the history of Italian painting". The painted tombs illustrate the wealth and power of the deceased to whom they were dedicated, so stand as symbols of their high social rank.

“And in that moment you realize that, in the end, we haven’t improved that much. The Necropolis of Tarquinia has been dubbed “the first chapter in the history of Italian painting”. The painted tombs illustrate the wealth and power of the deceased to whom they were dedicated, so stand as symbols of their high social rank.”

Ser rodeada por arboles y campos, respirando aire fresco y puro que perfuma de miel y flores no tiene precio. Lejanas de cualquier forma de glamour -y de señal Wi-Fi- os escribo mi próximo post. Buenos días desde la Toscana.

Si, por fin de vuelta a mi Pais y por fin de vacaciones! Parece mentira.

Cigarras que cantan 24 horas al día, vacas y caballos de vuelta por el campo, conejitos que se escapan aterrorizados por las atenciones demasiados afectuosas de Giulio. Y Giulio burlado por gatos selváticos demasiados listos. Este es el panorama de mi nueva vida de campo.

En caso tengáis la oportunidad de visitar la Toscana y las zonas cercanas en un futuro, aseguraros el tiempo por un buen vino blanco en Capalbio, visitar los pequeños pueblos de tufo de Pitigliano, Sorano y Sovana, descubrir las necrópolis de Tarquinia, dar una vuelta por Magliano y Manciano, disfrutar de un buen helado italiano (por fin!) en Porto Santo Stefabo y Porto Ercole. Disfrutar de la vista increíble de Talamone, y de visitar las cuevas sotteraneas de Orvieto, en la Umbria. También no os podéis perder el pozo de San Patricio, joya de la ingeniería de el XVI siglo.

No es todo oro lo que deslumbra desafortunadamente. Como os adelanté, preguntar por Wi-Fi aquí es como pedir un milagro. A pesar de que en cada bar o restaurante os digan que tienen free Wi-Fi para los clientes, descubriréis-generalmente demasiado tarde y ya con un buen capuchino cremoso en la mesa- que Internet es una pura ilusión. Un día por el tiempo, uno por las montañas, uno por un fallo o uno porque… -listos?- “En la Toscana internet funciona así” y bye-bye Twitter, Instagram y social life.

También he notado que en Italia es todavía un poco demasiado difícil poder pagar con tarjeta de crédito, muchas veces por igual en museos, para reservar visitas, excursiones, en bares, etc. Porque es tan difícil para nosotros italianos aceptar el cambio y acostumbrarnos a cosas nuevas, mejores, que pueden hacernos la vida más fácil? Es algo que honestamente no puedo entender. Una destinación turística en 2015 tendría que ser equipada para el pago con tarjeta en cualquier lugar, incluso para la sombrilla en la playa. Estáis de acuerdo conmigo? No será que me estoy haciendo demasiado americana? Lol.

Espero que hagáis tenido el tiempo para descansar y disfrutar de vuestras familias. En montaña, al mar a en ciudad, poco importa donde…como siempre digo la cosa más importante es la buena compañía xxx

The famous "Bagno delle Donne" (The Bath of  Women) in Talamone behind us. Giulio take break and close your eyes for a while! You have seen too many bikinis already.

“The famous “Bagno delle Donne” (The Bath of Women) in Talamone behind us. Giulio take break and close your eyes for a while! You have seen too many bikinis already.”

Wine tasting. Thank you Fabrizio and @villaacquaviva for the amazing tour inside the world of wine, traditions and flavors of Tuscany.

“Wine tasting. Thank you Fabrizio and @villaacquaviva for the amazing tour inside the world of wine, traditions and flavors of Tuscany.”

Finding balance...trying not to kill myself in the attempt.

“Finding balance…trying not to kill myself in the attempt.”

Can you guess what I had in the little paper bag for lunch in Montemerano?

“Can you guess what I had in the little paper bag for lunch in Montemerano?”

Giulio couldn't miss a nice trip to Isola del Giglio.

“Giulio couldn’t miss a nice trip to Isola del Giglio.”

Malocchio-proof in Sorano lol. Evil-Eye proof lol.

“Malocchio-proof in Sorano lol. Evil-Eye proof lol.”

Lots of Love xxx

Bye Bye home in Tuscany!

“Bye Bye Home in Tuscany!”

Italia, ti ho ed avrò sempre nel cuore. Italy, I have and will always have you in my heart. #Talamone

“Italia, ti ho ed avrò sempre nel cuore. Italy, I have and will always have you in my heart. #Talamone”

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Hello world,

Many things have happen since my last post.

My last weeks in Miami were full of work, that full, that I had to delay my planned return to Barcelona.

I shot till the last day, of course, with my usual wake-up calls ranging from 5am to 6am, depending on the day. I packed on an entire Friday night after the last shooting. Can you imagine just even for a moment the huge quantity of stuff a model can bring with her for months spent away?! I locked the 3rd super case at 3am, and ‘fell asleep’ with the nightmare of not hearing the wake-up call to leave for Miami airport.

After stepping out Barcelona El Prat airport I was already imagining me in RECOVER-ON mode. Rest. SLEEP. Unpack the luggage in peace, organize our famouse Poker afternoons with our friends, welcome my family to Costa Brava, and just spend hours watching the sea from my window.

Well said. I was imagining myself. In my mind.

I was boarding a flight to Romania only a few days after, still jet lagged from the other coast. Of the ocean lol. Some days in Bucarest to shoot a new TV commercial -amazing production, directed by Eugenio Recuenco-, followed by, in order: hosting of the international Huaweii Ceremony in Barcelona -in English, could have been worse, always better than Mandarin-, trip to Navarra for another TV commercial for Mexico, a couple of days in Barcelona to end the production in question, another tv commercial for Spain and Andorra shot in Barcelona, shoot of the new Fall-Winter campaign of an international fashion brand, shot of another fashion story in Cadaquès -amazing place, in Costa Brava, I strongly recommend-, and shoot of a new fashion editorial that will be out in September. All this in less than one month.

Zanchi for PResident? Not really. My body started to complain. A terrible eye-ache that didn’t seem to want to go away, forced me to slow down a little. Always good to listen to your body. Nothing nor nobody is wiser.

So I could celebrate the “Triplete” of my Fc Barcelona -any Juve fellows out there? – treat myself a little bit, sleep no limits, take Giulio to the park, enjoy the F1 and MotoGP in Montmeló, and, finally, just stare at the sea from my window lol.

Also,…Copa America started! I wish I was in Chile! Who do you think will win?

I hope you like the selection of pictures I have made today.

Out now in Norway. New cover and fashion editorial. Go and get your Henne Magazine now!

“Out now in Norway. New cover and fashion editorial. Go and get your Henne Magazine now!”

Getting ready in Miami for one of the last shoots before flying back to Europe.

“Getting ready in Miami for one of the last shoots before flying back to Europe.”

Behind the scenes of my shoot of the new Fall-Winter campaign of an International fashion brand.

“Behind the scenes of my shoot of the new Fall-Winter campaign of an International fashion brand.”

On set in Bucarest with Eugenio Recuenco.

“On set in Bucarest with Eugenio Recuenco.”

Molte cose sono successe dal mio ultimo post.

Le ultime settimane trascorse a Miami sono state piene di lavoro, così piene che mi hanno obbligata a posticipare il mio ritorno a Barcellona.

Ho lavorato no-stop fino all’ultimo giorno, ovviamente con le mie solite sveglie fantozziane delle cinque/sei del mattino, dipendendo dal giorno. Ho fatto le valigie un intero venerdì notte, dopo l’ultimo lavoro. Potete anche solo per un instante arrivare ad immaginare la quantità di roba/cianfrusaglia/cose ‘Just in Case’ -sono un’esperta a riguardo- che che una modella può arrivare a portare con sé per mesi passati fuori casa? Ho ‘lucchettato’ la terza super valigia alle tre del mattino, e mi sono ‘addormentata’ con il terrore che MAI avrei sentito la sveglia 3 ore dopo per l’aereoporto.

Uscita da El Prat a Barcellona, già mi vedevo in modalità RECOVER-ON. Riposo. Recupero. Ahhhh! Finalmente poter disfare le valigie in pace, dare il benvenuto alla mia famiglia in Costa Brava, organizzare i nostri famosi pokerini pomeridiani con gli amici, o perché no, stare semplicemente ore ad osservare il mare dalla mia finestra.

Mi vedevo. Cioè, mi immaginavo. Ben detto.

Due giorni dopo mi stavo imbarcando per un volo per la Romania, ancora con il jet leg dell’altra costa (dell’oceano lol). Diversi giorni a Bucarest per filmare un nuovo spot TV – produzione meravigliosa per la regia di Eugenio Recuenco- a cui hanno seguito, in ordine: presentazione della Gala internazionale Huaweii a Barcellona -rigorosamente in Inglese, ‘annata bbène, poteva anche toccarmi il Mandarino lol-, viaggio a Navarra per altri 4 giorni per uno spot messicano, con produzione terminata a Barcellona, registrazione di un altro spot TV in città, nuova campagna Autunno-Inverno per una marca di moda internazionale, un’altra storia di moda scattata a Cadaquès – Costa Brava, posto meraviglioso, consigliato vivamente- ed ulteriore redazionale di moda che uscirà a Settembre. Il tutto in meno di un mese.

Zanchi alla riscossa direte voi. Eh no! Mica tanto. I primi acciacchi dovuti alla stanchezza – tra cui un dolore agli occhi insopportabile- mi hanno obbligata a rallentare un po’ il ritmo e staccare la spina. Cosa volete, non ho più l’età. Sempre ascoltare il proprio corpo ragazzi. Niente e nessuno è più saggio e buon consigliere.

Così ho potuto festeggiare il ‘Triplete’ del mio FC Barcelona – hem hem, qualche gobbetto lì fuori?! -, viziarmi un po’, dormire senza limiti, portare Giulio al parco, guardare la F1 e il MotoGP a Montmeló e -finalmente- stare a guardare il mare dalla finestra.

Ed è pure iniziata la Coppa America! Come vorrei essere in Chile e vivere un evento di tale magnitudine in diretta. Chi vincerà?

Spero vi piaccia la selezione di foto di oggi.

One of my last bookings before coming back to Barcelona was...in magical Paris!! Photo credit my beautiful friend Lidija Ristic ♥

One of my last bookings before coming back to Barcelona was…in magical Paris!! Photo credit my beautiful friend Lidija Ristic ♥

#bts in Bucarest. Ready to act.

“#bts in Bucarest. Ready to act.”

Hosting Huaweii International Ceremony in Barcelona.

“Hosting Huaweii International Ceremony in Barcelona.”

On Navarra circuit. Watch out blonde pilots. Especially if Italians lol.

“On Navarra circuit. Watch out blonde pilots. Especially if Italians lol.”

Muchas cosas han pasado desde mi último post.

Mis últimas semanas en Miami estuvieron llenas de trabajo, tanto que tuve que cambiar mi planificado vuelo de vuelta a Barcelona.

He trabajado hasta el último día, con mis usuales despertadores de película, variables de 5 a 6 de la mañana, según la sesión. Hice las maletas una entera noche de viernes después del último día de trabajo. Podéis aunque solo por un segundo lograr a imaginar la cantidad de cosas/roba/tonterias del ‘Just in case’ que una modelo puede llegar a llevarse después de muchos meses fuera (no digas cuantos meses, asi parece que es mas tiempo lol) de casa? Cerré el candado de mi tercera maleta -o mejor dicho, maletON- a las 3 de la madrugada, y me dormí con la pesadilla de no lograr despertarme después de solo 3 horas para ir al aeropuerto de Miami.

A la llegada del aeropuerto de Barcelona El Prat, ya me veía en modalidad RECOVER-On. Descansar. Recuperar. Dormir. Deshacer las maletas en paz, dar la bienvenida a mi familia en la Costa Brava, organizar nuestras tardes de Póker con los amigos o simplemente pasar horas observando el mar desde mi ventana.

Lo dicho. Lo veía. En mi cabeza.

Estaba embarcando un vuelo para Rumanía ya algún día después, todavía con el jet-lag del otro lado del océano lol. Varios días en Bucarest para filmar un nuevo spot TV -una producción maravillosa con la dirección de Eugenio Recuenco. Ademas de este spot, han seguido, y por orden: presentación de la gala internacional Huaweii en Barcelona, rigurosamente en inglés, he tenido suerte, mucho mejor que el Chino Mandarín. Viaje a Navarra otros 4 días para una producción mejicana acabada en Barcelona. Grabación de otro spot TV en la ciudad, nueva campaña otoño-invierno para una marca de moda internacional, Editorial de moda en Cadaqués, Costa Brava- sitio maravilloso, que os aconsejo- y otro reportaje de moda que saldrá en Septiembre. Todo esto en menos de un mes.

Zanchi for President? Pues no mucho, la verdad. Los primeros señales debidos al cansancio- entre los cuales un dolor de ojos muy fuerte- me han obligado a parar un poco. Que queréis, ya no tengo la edad lol. Siempre es bueno escuchar al propio cuerpo. Nadie y ninguno es más consejero y sabio que el.

Así he podido celebrar el Triplete de mi FC Barcelona – algún Gobbo por ahí? -, dormir sin límites, llevar Giulio el parque, mirar la F1 y la MotoGP en Montmeló, y -por fin- simplemente observar el mar desde mi ventana.

Encima ha empezado la Copa América! Como me gustaría ser en Chile y disfrutar de un evento de tal magnitud en directo! Quien creéis que ganara?

Espero os guste mi selección de fotos de hoy.

Miami Beach.

“Miami Beach.”

New LPG campaign spotted in Italy. #spotted

“New LPG campaign spotted in Italy. #spotted”

Recover and slow down also means leave contact lenses for a while.

“Recover and slow down also means leave contact lenses for a while.”

At the 63.Trofeu Conde de Godó in Barcelona, recently arrived from USA.

“At the 63.Trofeu Conde de Godó in Barcelona, recently arrived from USA.”

Thousands of hugs for all of you. Thank you for always being there.




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